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March 15, 2020

In light of recent news regarding the coronavirus, and its impact on school closure, this letter is to update you on procedures the Gadsden City School System will be following in accordance with instructions given to us by the Governor’s Office and the Alabama State Department of Education.

Schools previously scheduled to close at the end of the day on Wednesday March 18 will now close at the end of the day on Monday, March 16 and will reopen tentatively on Monday, April 6. It is always Gadsden City’s intent to work in conjunction with the other two Etowah County school systems, with priority given to what we feel is in the best interest of the students enrolled in Gadsden City. Monday’s opening is to accommodate access to textbooks, computing devices, and medication. Should anyone choose not to attend school on Monday, March 16, all absences will be excused.

All athletic and extracurricular activities will be cancelled upon closure, at which time there is to be no contests, weight training, conditioning, practices, or related activities such as free-play in school gymnasiums. All field trips have been canceled, but are subject to be made up at a later date if allowed.

No school work will be required during the closure, however, it is encouraged that students be allowed to access remedial or enrichment materials to take home with them or access via electronic devices. We encourage parents to somehow keep their children engaged in the learning process so as not to fall too far behind during their absence from school. Information regarding the availability of meals during closure will also be posted.

Because a State of Emergency has been declared, days missed from school are not required to be made up. I would further ask you to check our school website, facebook page, and twitter account for additional information. Thank you for enduring these trying times with us, and be safe.


Tony Reddick


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(L to R: Allyson Hernandez, Kaleeyse Norris, Abbi Henson, Royuona Williams, Emond Appleton) March 5-7, Gadsden City High School’s Family, Career, and Community Leaders of

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