

Everybody dreams, but at Gadsden City Schools – we dream bigger. From a blue-ribbon elementary school to a long history of national merit scholar finalists, we reach higher in academics.

Instructional Kit Resource (Physical Resource): Assist Teachers with Developing Effective Instructional Strategies

1. Touchmath Mutli-Sensory Program

Definition:  Touchmath is a multi-sensory math program that teaches students basic math skills.

Touchmath Website:

Youtube Touchmath Video:

2. Speak Naturally- Reading Fluency Program

Read Naturally Website:

3. Voyager- Intervention Reading Program

Voyager Website:

4. The Star Program- Strategies for Autistic Student

Book Resource:  Arick, J.R., Loos, L., Falco, R., & Krug D. A. (2004). The star program manual: Strategies for teaching based on autism research. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.

*** This book contains specific teaching strategies that are researched based that have been found to be effective to utilize when providing instruction to autistic students. This book also contains other resources for educators such as case studies, etc. ***

Star Program Website:

Manipulatives (Physical Resource):

What are Manipulatives?:

“Manipulatives in the context of education are physical tools of teaching, engaging students visually and physically with objects” (“Education Portal”, 2013). Manipulatives are a great resource that all teachers should utilize in the classroom setting to teach all subject matter. Manipulatives assist teachers with providing their students with hands-on, visually stimulating learning experiences. In addition, manipulatives allow abstract concepts to be taught to students using concrete objects that provide a more real-life or authentic learning outcome.

How can Manipulatives be used in the classroom?:

Manipulatives can be used in any learning environment. It is primarily left up to the teacher’s discretion as to how to use manipulatives to appropriately meet his/her students’ needs. Manipulatives can be used in the classroom to create learning experiences that allow students to use hands-on approaches, are responsible for their own learning, or create situations where students are in groups and learn from one another.

In addition, how to use a manipulative greatly depends on the topic or subject the teacher is teaching in the classroom. Teachers may wish to use manipulatives to illustrate an abstract idea such as fractions for example fraction bars or pictures could be used to illustrate the different sizes of fractions. Another example of this would be using sets of ten blocks to illustrate the concept of a number’s place value and the different amounts. While teaching this concept manipulatives would give students a concrete object that would lessen student confusion while building their comprehension. In addition, teachers could also use manipulatives to give students a more realistic world learning experience, for example teaching the concept of money and dollar amounts. In reading, letter cards or letter sound cards could be used during a lesson for students to build (spell) words. Also, word cards could be used for students to build sentences.

List of Different Manipulatives:

1. Classroom Manipulatives that relate to all subjects:

  • Student Dry Erase Board and Markers
  • Student Blackboard and chalk

2. Reading Manipulatives

  1. Letter Cards
  2. Foam or Block Letters
  3. Letter Sound Cards
  4. Flash Word Cards

3. Grammar Manipulatives- Parts of Speech

  1. Flashcards that students create with words and pictures on one side and parts of speech on the other
  2. Word cards for students to create sentences
  3. Out-of-order sentences to unscramble into grammatically correct sentences

4. Math Manipulatives:

  1. Fake Money
  2. Foam or Block Numbers
  3. Tangrams
  4. Interlocking cubes
  5. Pattern blocks
  6. Fraction Bars or Pictures
  7. Probability spinners
  8. Protractors
  9. Moveable Clock
  10. Number Line

5. Geography Manipulatives:

  1. Puzzles
  2. World maps to label and/or color regions, like continents, countries, and capitals
  3. Maps to label and/or color landforms, like mountain ranges, lakes, and deserts
  4. Topographic maps
  5. Latitude and longitude charts for plotting locations

6. Fine Motor Skill Manipulatives (Special Education):

  1. Geometric Sorters or Puzzles
  2. Lacing Beads
  3. Sequencing Object Set (such as beads)
  4. Wood Lacing Sneaker (or just lacing shoe)
  5. Lace or Tracing Board
  6. Vest with buttons or zipper
  7. Stacking blocks or objects
  8. Stacker Peg/ Pegboard

Technology Based Resources (Electronic Educational Resources) :

Technology is another great resource teachers can use in their classroom to create positive learning outcomes for students. Using technology during instruction allows teachers other methods of involving students in the learning process, offer differentiated instruction to meet students’ diverse needs, and make learning fun and exciting for all involved. Below is a list of technology based resources teachers may choose to use in their classroom:

1. Smart Board-

Definition: Smart board is created by the company Smart Technology and is a whiteboard that is a line with interactive software.

Websites Incorporating Smart Board Lessons:

2. Elmo-

Definition: The Elmo is an electronic device that is installed with a camera that when connected to a projector can show visuals (e.g. worksheets, books, websites, etc.) on a board or screen. The camera on this device gives the teacher the option of zooming in or out on the visual.


Definition: iPad is an electronic device created by Apple that is a hand-held computer that uses a touch screen to access websites, movies, music, or digital books.

The iPad is a great resource for teachers to use in the classroon. The iPad is a tool teachers can use to enhance each student’s educational experience by making learning fun for all. In addition, this device allows teachers to have access to several educational resources such as apps that can be used for specific lesson plans or target a student’s educational need.

Websites for iPad:

Lesson Plans for iPad:

Lessons/ Activities:

Educational Apps:,047iPod_Apps/

List of 55 free educational Apps for iPad:

Website Resources for Teacher Physical Resources:

Education Portal. (2013). Manipulatives in educations: definition, examples, & classroom application. Retrieved from

Special Needs. (n.d.) Fine motor and manipulatives. Retrieved from

5. Classroom Performance System (CPS)

Definition: CPS is a student response system using wireless devices that provide immediate responses/feedback to the teachers and students in the classroom.

When to Use this Resource: Teachers could utilize CPS when completing a review activity of a subject previously taught.

Article describing CPS, what the response system is use for, and activities to use with the response system:

6. Typical Classroom Resources: Computer, Laptop, and Printer

Software Resources (Electronic)

1. Office Professionals (e.g. Microsoft Word Processor or Microsoft PowerPoint)

2. Smart Board Technology Software

Music/Video Resources (Electronic):

1. School House Rock- Both Music/ Video Resource to assist with students learning multiplication facts.

This website contains several School House Rocks multiplication videos:

School House Rocks Multiplication Music with Lyrics:

2. Instructional Video: Magic School Bus by Scholastics- These Magic School Bus videos are educational cartoons that educate students on science topics (great for grades 2nd- 5th). They are great educational tools that grab and hold each student’s attention.

3. Instructional Videos: Sesame Street- Sesame Street videos are a great tool to use with younger students who are building pre-literary skills, vocabulary, and math skills. Students enjoy watching these videos and are fully engaged in the learning process.

Sesame Street Video Website:

4. Instructional Videos/Music: Busy Beavers- The Busy Beavers Collection are great instructional videos that assist younger students with building pre-literacy and math skills. These videos also incorporate music that creates a fun and exciting atmosphere for students to learn.

Busy Beaver Youtube:

Busy Beaver Website:

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(L to R: Allyson Hernandez, Kaleeyse Norris, Abbi Henson, Royuona Williams, Emond Appleton) March 5-7, Gadsden City High School’s Family, Career, and Community Leaders of

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