Wednesday, March 9 will find the Career Technical Education Advisory Council for the Gadsden City Schools sponsoring the Industry Showcase.

Local Businesses will team up with Career Technical Program instructors to highlight career and training opportunities in our area.

All Freshmen will tour the Career Technical Facility and have a chance to visit a couple of programs of interest to them.

Thanks to our participating Businesses and Partners: Alabama Power, Modern Hearing and Cooling, Devan Lowe, Gadsden State Community College, Inteva Products, the City of Gadsden,, D’Style Barber/Beauty Shop and Sally’s Beauty Supply.

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FCCLA Team 1


(L to R: Allyson Hernandez, Kaleeyse Norris, Abbi Henson, Royuona Williams, Emond Appleton) March 5-7, Gadsden City High School’s Family, Career, and Community Leaders of

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