Michelle Funderburg    Congratulations Michelle Funderburg!

PRESS RELEASE from the College Board

Gadsden City High School Earns AP Computer Science Principles

Female Diversity Award

Recognized for Improving Female Representation in AP Computer Science Principles

Gadsden, AL─ Gadsden City High School has earned the College Board AP ® Computer
Science Female Diversity Award for achieving high female representation in AP Computer
Science Principles (CSP). Schools honored with an AP Computer Science Female Diversity
Award have expanded access to AP computer science courses for female students in their

During the 2023-24 school year, 1,153 institutions achieved an AP Computer Science Female
Diversity Award for CSA, CSP or both courses. Award contenders must either have reached
50% or higher female representation in one of the two AP computer science courses or have
achieved a percentage of female computer science exam takers that meets or exceeds that of
the school’s female population. Gadsden City High School was one of only 847 recognized for
improving female representation in AP CSP.

“We’re thrilled to congratulate our female AP computer science students and their teacher,
Michelle Funderburg, on this step toward equal representation in computer science
education,” said GCHS Principal Joel Gulledge. “We’re honored that our school earned this
distinction and look forward to seeing these young women and others pursue and achieve
success in computer science education and careers.”

“Computer science is the source code of our economy and much of the career landscape,” said
Trevor Packer, head of the AP Program. “In the seven years since we began the AP Computer
Science Female Diversity Award, it’s been heartening to see schools like Gadsden City
welcome young women into this vital field.”

AP Computer Science Principles, which first launched in the 2016-17 school year, continues to
grow. Overall AP computer science course participation has increased 161% since 2017, which
has broadened STEM career opportunities for more students.

Providing young women with access to computer science courses is necessary to ensure
gender equity in the industry’s high-paying jobs and to drive innovation, creativity, and
representation. The schools that receive this year’s AP Computer Science Female Diversity
Award serve as inspiration and are models for all U.S. high schools.

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