Why Choose GCS?
Students from Gadsden City Schools are finding success in the classroom, on the stage, in the concert hall, on the athletic field, in the computer lab, and in their career training. With a Blue Ribbon elementary school, the ability to participate in 6A athletics, two dozen Pre-AP and AP class offerings on the high school and middle school levels, and a performing arts program that rivals any in the state, Gadsden City Schools are beacons of opportunity in our area.






competitive academic and athletic teams

At Gadsden City Schools, we are proud to be a part of what makes the city of Gadsden an exceptional place to live. More than 650 employees, including National Board Certified and highly qualified teachers, as well as other award-winning professionals, are dedicated to seeing approximately 4,700+ students reach their greatest potential.

With more than 30 competitive academic and athletic teams as well as more than a dozen performing ensembles and countless clubs, there are opportunities for every student to grow and expand his or her horizons.

A Few Things That Set Us Apart


A great education starts in the classroom, and at Gadsden City Schools, our classroom education is unparalleled. With 25 National Merit Semi-finalists in the last fifteen years, over $50 million in scholarship offers, and college acceptance for more than 50 percent of seniors, Gadsden City High and its feeder schools are academic standouts in this area.

21st Century After-School Program

The Gadsden City Schools Community Education Department strives for excellence in education, building strong community partnerships, and establishing and maintaining parental involvement in all areas. The mission statement of the Gadsden City Schools Community Education program, is to develop lifelong educational opportunities, utilize community resources, and coordinate with local agencies to meet the ever changing needs of the adults and children of Gadsden, Alabama.

The Gadsden City Schools Community Education program directs twelve afterschool programs throughout the school district. These programs are self-sustaining, 21st Century, and Community Ed Programs. The programs are equipped with excellent staff that adheres to local and state guidelines. The afterschool programs host academic enrichment, homework assistance, fine arts enrichment, STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) activities, and Project Based Learning activities.

Performing Arts

In the world of public education, Gadsden City Schools’ commitment to the arts is extraordinary. With a course schedule that includes piano lab, ceramics, photography, jazz band, drama, and technical theater, high school students enjoy access to an arts education with both breadth and depth. Vibrant visual arts, strings, and choral programs in the middle schools, as well as strings, visual arts, and events like Serendipity Day on the elementary level, are all key to a Gadsden City education.


At Gadsden City Schools, we are turning classrooms into  technology-driven work environments. From programs providing a Chromebook for use at school to every elementary school student to the assigning of them for middle school and high school students for use at school and at home throughout the entire school year, Gadsden City Schools incorporates modern technology at every level. Not only are we utilizing technology as a teaching tool, our students are also preparing to take their places in the technology-driven workforce thanks to courses like digital design, computer maintenance, and introduction to networking.

Click here to learn more about the unique advantages offered on the Elementary, Middle School and High School levels though Gadsden City Schools. 

A Message From Our Superintendent

Keith Blackwell

Mr. Keith Blackwell


A Message From Our Mayor

Mayor Craig Ford

The City of Gadsden is proud to support and promote our Gadsden City School System. Our community elementary schools allow students to learn and grow with their neighbors and peers while they prepare for work at the middle and high school levels. Our Gadsden City High School offers one of the most robust suites of curriculum and program options among high schools throughout Alabama.

For nearly two decades, our city schools have consistently produced National Merit Scholars each year, and many individual community schools are award-winning. As the City of Gadsden also houses one of the largest community colleges in Alabama, Gadsden State, the opportunity to advance directly into postsecondary education are plentiful. One of the many goals of my administration is to coalesce all of our educational resources and promote education as the ticket to prosperity and opportunity that it is. 

We hope you will choose to reside in Gadsden, engage your children as students in one of our Gadsden City schools, and help us build this community up together. As we prepare to implement the city’s first comprehensive plan in 50 years, you and your child’s experiences and vision for our city will be valuable in that process. We want to see every family thrive in Gadsden. If there is anything we can do for you or your family, please contact the mayor’s office. 

I also want to invite you to speak with the Gadsden City Schools superintendent or any central office staff about programs and opportunities in the Gadsden City School System. We are all moving toward a brighter future in Gadsden! 


Craig Ford

Mayor of Gadsden

Learn More


The Gadsden City Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.  The following person(s) has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

Dr. Donna Smoots
Section 504 Compliance Officer
P.O. Box 184
Gadsden, AL 35902
(256) 543-3512

Mrs. Marcia Farabee
Title VI Compliance Officer
P.O. Box 184
Gadsden, AL 35902
(256) 543-3512

Mr. Keith Blackwell
Title IX Compliance Officer
P.O. Box 184
Gadsden, AL 35902
(256) 543-3512

Vision Statement

Gadsden City Schools will be a preeminent educational community that prepares each student for life’s opportunities. 

Mission Statement

Providing each student with an equitable quality education through an adaptive, innovative, nurturing, and holistic approach. 

Calendar of Events

Featured News

FCCLA Team 1


(L to R: Allyson Hernandez, Kaleeyse Norris, Abbi Henson, Royuona Williams, Emond Appleton) March 5-7, Gadsden City High School’s Family, Career, and Community Leaders of

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Janie Browning

Afterschool Ambassador

Congratulations to Janie Browning, named an Afterschool Ambassador for 2025 by the Afterschool Alliance. News Release February 20, 2025 Contact: Kim Hayes, kim@prsolutionsdc.com   Gadsden City School’s

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