About Us

About Us

"The education I received from Gadsden City Schools laid a firm foundation for my successful academic career. I am proud to be from Gadsden and I am proud to be a product of Gadsden City Schools."
Laura Minton
GCHS Class of 2016

Our Vision

Our Vision is to be acknowledged as a leading, contemporary Australian school with an international outlook, specializing in girls’ education and developing our students as remarkable women through our staff professionalism and service, and the personalized quality of our learning environment and communications.

Our Mission

ram classroomAt Mentone Girls’ Grammar School, we are dedicated to excellence in the education of girls. Excellence includes, but reaches well beyond, superb preparation for tertiary studies. The true mission of our school is preparing our students to aspire to excellence, to make a difference and, as global citizens, to rise boldly to the challenges of their times.

We are committed to providing a challenging, supportive and personalize learning environment, based on our Christian heritage which values the worth and uniqueness of each person.  We dedicate ourselves to inspiring in each girl an abiding passion for learning, preparing her to become a confident, creative and articulate woman who has the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes to shape her future, lead with wisdom and compassion and contribute meaningfully to the international community.

Mentone Girls’ Grammar School also embraces broader aspirations as well: to continue to stand out among the country’s leading schools, to be appreciated as an active contributor in our local community and to support the well being, achievement, positive values, enterprising nature and success of women in our society.

WAVES Priorities

Our unique beachfront location has inspired our WAVES priorities – key principles which guide the way we meet the particular learning needs of girls.  Our WAVES learning community is built on these key priorities, values and behaviors that are aligned to help us live our mission and to create a culture of support, excellence and achievement.

  • Well being in mind, body and spirit.
  • Achievement through setting and reaching goals.
  • Values based on respect for others and for our environment, and a deep commitment to learning as means of having a positive impact on the communities we serve.
  • Enterprise encouraging creativity, taking intelligent risks, productive thinking and developing entrepreneurial skills.
  • Success for all, which recognises accomplishment in a variety of endeavors.

Commitment to Democratic Principles

Mentone Girls’ Grammar School supports and promotes the principles and practice of Australian Democracy in its educational programs and policies.  Specifically, we are committed to:

  1. Elected Government.
  2. The rule of law.
  3. Equal rights for all before the law.
  4. Freedom of religion.
  5. Freedom of speech and association.
  6. The values of openness and tolerance.

We also adhere to the broader principles as outlined in the following guides:

  • Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians
  • National Statement for Engaging Young Australians with Asia in Australian Schools

Wherever possible we mirror these principles in our actions with students.  An example would include the determination of Senior School Student Leaders through a process modeled on Australian election practices.

Calendar of Events

Featured News

FCCLA Team 1


(L to R: Allyson Hernandez, Kaleeyse Norris, Abbi Henson, Royuona Williams, Emond Appleton) March 5-7, Gadsden City High School’s Family, Career, and Community Leaders of

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Janie Browning

Afterschool Ambassador

Congratulations to Janie Browning, named an Afterschool Ambassador for 2025 by the Afterschool Alliance. News Release February 20, 2025 Contact: Kim Hayes, kim@prsolutionsdc.com   Gadsden City School’s

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